7 December 2012

Beware of AGRA?

One of the organisation featured in the documentary, The Africa Centre for Biosafety (ACB), is sending warnings against The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (known as AGRA and supported by agribusiness multinationals and the Gates Foundation).

Now quoting both a study published by ACB and this article published on All Africa

According to ACB, "AGRA effectively seeks to institutionalise biopiracy by accessing publicly available genetic resources, patenting or imposing other intellectual property rights on the resulting seeds, and then using these industrial monoculture crops to channel African farmers into focusing on earning enough export cash to buy the privatised seed," adding, "The AGRA model uses free inputs to develop monopoly control over outputs and expects farmers to pay for seeds they previously shared and traded, and played a major part in developing over thousands of years."

One of the stands we are taking in our documentary is against the patenting of traditional knowledge and genetic resources following the system in place.

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